Consumer Products Company
Amcea partnered with a consumer products company to create immersive online and in-store experiences for their product lines, while also expanding into the organics market and the men's skincare market.

With our client, we helped them develop a new promotional and branding initiative focused on health and organics. Furthermore, we developed an immersive experience to be implemented in all stores and an online experience to provide better customer satisfaction. With these new initiatives, the company's overall revenue increased by 53%.
53% Revenue Growth

During our implementation phase, we found operational processes that could be improved to reduce expenses. We also helped our client develop new promotional and pricing strategies targeted towards B2C customers which reduced their previous expenses. With the improvements, new strategies, and risk mitigation plan we were able to reduce their expenses by 75K.
$75K in Cost Savings

Working with our client's customers, we noticed a lack of customer satisfaction, primarily in the company's customer service and delivery department. Working with the company's employees, we helped them better understand how to assist customers and redefined the company's culture. With general process improvement, we helped the company quickly increase their customer satisfaction.
47% Increase in Customer Satisfaction

Working with our client and their customer base, we helped them develop needed products to enter the organics market and men's market based on their customers needs.​ The new product lines exceeded monthly sales expectations by approximately 35% within 3 months of new product launch.
Exceeded Goals by 35%